Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti of Northern California

Welcome to the website of the Sri Sarada Mahila Samiti of Northern California. We are an association of women dedicated to the study of the universal teachings of the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi and Sri Ramakrishna as taught by Swami Vivekananda in the West.

Join us for

Two Spiritual Retreats

In the Redwoods Led by

Sannyasinis of Sri Sarada Math, India

Download retreat flyer

Yoga-Vedanta Guided Meditation by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

Holy Mother and Shakti Tattwa - Pravrajika Divyanandaprana

In 1997, Revered Pravrajika Amalaprana Mataji gave an exceptional talk titled, "God as Mother". The late Dr. Huston Smith interviewed Mataji in a television studio where it was video recorded.

First Unitarian Church, Oakland, California

View selected timeless talks by Revered Vivekaprana

Sister Nivedita Study Circles

Mother's Celebration

Who We Are

Article on the Samiti in the
Integral Vedanta News